Tuesday 4 January 2011

Newspaper Poster Advertisement

I decided to go with the ransom note idea I had as I thought it would look more effective and catch the attention of the audience as it more appealing to read than simple normal writing.
I think the idea is very interesting and different but relates to newspapers as I used cut out letters from different newspapers to create the ransom note effect.
I decided to use coloured letters instead of sticking with black and white letters as I think it looks more modern and eye catching and would attract the target audience of my newspaper.
I included the logo and website address on my advertising poster to make it easier for the audience to recognise what the poster is advertising and i also included where the newspaper is distributed to inform the audience where they can pick it up if the poster interests them.
My poster is very simple as there are no images involved, I decided to just use text because i believe if the information and text is persuasive and gets straight to the point then there is no need to add anything else to it as it should inform the audience enough.

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