Tuesday 30 November 2010

Planning my Newspaper Advertising Posters

Ideas for my advertising posters

Idea 1
  • College related
  • Student related
  • Suitable for a free newspaper - state that it is free - attract more readers
  • Maybe similar to the metro's advertising posters
  • Use eye catching colours to make it stand out
  • Keep it simple but effective, not to over crowded and hard to read
  • Think of a successful quote to attract the audience and advertise newspaper
  • Include logo so its easily recognised as it is a new newspaper

Idea 2

  • Ransom note style - catchy phrase/quote to attract more readers
  • simple/modern/effective
  • Include logo so its easily recognised as my newspapers advertisement
  • Stick to same colours for advert as the colours of my newspaper so it is consistent and easier to recognise.
  • Photograph of newspaper?
  • Some sort of photograph?
  • Make it relate to students or college
  • Suitable for a free newspaper - state that it is free - attract more readers

Idea 3

  • Make a cartoon version of my newspaper,
  • Relates to young people and students
  • Stick to the same colours as my newspaper
  • Simple and not to overcrowded
  • Similar to The Metro's advertisements as they are simple but effective
  • Catchy and clever phrase/quote to attract more readers.
  • Suitable for a free newspaper - state that it is free - attract more readers
  • Include newspaper logo to make it obvious for the readers what the poster is advertising

Idea 4

  • Simple layout
  • Similar to The Suns advertisement
  • Big bold catchy, persuasive words to attract readers.
  • Photographs in the background of students, college related material
  • Suitable for students/college
  • Modern to attract more young people
  • State that it is a free newspaper to attract more readers
  • Use same colours as the newspaper colours to make it easily recognised and make it consistent throughout.
  • Include newspaper logo to make it obvious for the readers what the poster is advertising

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