Tuesday 18 January 2011

Radio Advertisement

Here is the radio advertisement I have created for my newspaper. I decided to stick with my original idea of using the ransom note from my poster advertisement as part of the script for my radio advertisement. I went for this idea so that it would be easily recognisable to the viewers and listeners as I would have aspects from each product I have created within each other as well as having the logo included in all three. I wanted to include the brand name in each product, as because it is a new product, it needs to be recognised by the audience so I thought if the brand name is included in all three products the audience may recognise the name and may encourage them to go and pick up my newspaper if they see and hear the brand name everywhere they go.
I got one of the students in my Media Studies class to read out the script whilst I was recording it.
The background music I used in the radio advertisement I got off a website called live.freeplaymusic.com and the track that I used was called "Take That". I thought that this was a relevant sound track to use as it it had quite a modern beat that would be suitable for the target audience. I also thought it was suitable as it wasn't too quiet to be boring and not catch the attention of the listeners but it also wasn't too loud and over powering that it would take away the attention from the speaking part of the advertisement leaving the viewers unaware of what the radio ad is advertising.
I am happy with the overall radio advertisement as it does everything that I wanted it too.
  • It relates to the other two products I created.
  • It is simple but effective.
  • The background music I used is suitable for the target audience.
  • The background music is also suitable for the script I created.
  • The script is interesting and spoken with enthusiasm.
  • Appeals to younger people - target audience of my newspaper.

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