Tuesday 30 November 2010

The Sun Newspaper Advertisements

The Sun use a completely different technique and effect to attract the readers than The Guardian do. Instead of keeping the background plain and simple and using colourful shapes to attract the audience, The Sun uses photographs of successful sports related men to attract the audience to read as the sun is mostly aimed at males and they base most of their stories around sports. Their advertising posters are, visually, very interesting and persuasive and they cleverly use images of celebrities and sportmen and persuasive language to attract their target audience to purchase their newspaper.
As well as The Guardian, The Sun also use powerful words as a technique to attract readers, except The Sun do it in a completely different way than The Guardian. Instead of using persuasive words and phrases that will attract the audience by letting them know that everyone has an opinion and everybody can have their say, The Sun advertises its own strong opinions: 'Big opinions every day'. They are informing the audience that their newspaper is opinionated on gossip as well as news.
One of their advertising posters is a receipt with the contents of their newspaper set out like a shopping list and stating that their newspaper is only 30p. After researching and looking at this advertisement it shows that its target audience is males and will not attract females as there are no contents inside this newspaper that will be relevent to or attract a female audience.
Overall, this newspaper also uses persuasive and effective techniques and although they're very different to the techniques used by The Guardian, they would attract their target audience well.

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