Tuesday 16 November 2010


Over the past 3 weeks I have been constructing the front page and the second page of my newspaper. As I had originally created designs for the layout of my newspaper, I used the layouts that were most successful with the target audience when holding a focus group. Next I had to decide the colours I was going to use, I tried out a few different colours to see what worked best and looked professional and eye catching. I decided to go with teal, black and white. I have used these colours consistently throughout the two pages of my newspaper as they are the colours that will relate my newspaper.
From analysing the newspaper The Metro, I stated that I really liked the way that the contents on the front page where identified by having their own colour for each of the topics. I decided to take this idea and use it on my newspaper by using pink for 'fame', blue for 'sports', green for 'local news' and purple for 'fashion'. These colours will also be used inside the magazine identifying the topics as they do on the front page. On my second page of my newspaper I have written a story relating to fashion so I have used purple for the background of the heading so that the audience can relate it to the topic fashion as it does on the front page.
I have used the same font styles throughout the newspaper so that it is consistent. I have used Impact for my headings and masthead of the newspaper, and used Calibri for the information and stories in my newspaper.
As it is a free newspaper, I have had to include a lot of advertisements. All of these advertisements that I have included in my newspaper I have created myself using photoshop and paint. I wanted them to look as realistic as possible so I tried to use a similar style and font for my advertisements as the actual advertisements are without plagiarising. Also each of the photographs and images I have used I have taken myself for the project.
For the masthead of my newspaper, I thought of a couple different names that would be relevant but the one that I chose to use was 'Liverpool Today' as it is a daily newspaper and it is distributed throughout Liverpool, i thought it had the most relevance to the actual newspaper.

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