Monday 24 January 2011


I have created my evaluation using the website. I did my evaluation on Prezi so that it was more interactive and creative rather than just creating a presentation on Microsoft Powerpoint and reading it out like I did for my AS Media Studies Evaluation. I found Prezi to be very interesting and much more effective than Microsoft Powerpoint as I could create a path showing my evaluation that i created in a certain order using the path. I could also make things look much more visually interesting and effective by using Prezi.

Link to my Prezi:

Three Final 'Liverpool Today' Products


Radio Advertisement:

Poster Advertisement:

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Radio Advertisement

Here is the radio advertisement I have created for my newspaper. I decided to stick with my original idea of using the ransom note from my poster advertisement as part of the script for my radio advertisement. I went for this idea so that it would be easily recognisable to the viewers and listeners as I would have aspects from each product I have created within each other as well as having the logo included in all three. I wanted to include the brand name in each product, as because it is a new product, it needs to be recognised by the audience so I thought if the brand name is included in all three products the audience may recognise the name and may encourage them to go and pick up my newspaper if they see and hear the brand name everywhere they go.
I got one of the students in my Media Studies class to read out the script whilst I was recording it.
The background music I used in the radio advertisement I got off a website called and the track that I used was called "Take That". I thought that this was a relevant sound track to use as it it had quite a modern beat that would be suitable for the target audience. I also thought it was suitable as it wasn't too quiet to be boring and not catch the attention of the listeners but it also wasn't too loud and over powering that it would take away the attention from the speaking part of the advertisement leaving the viewers unaware of what the radio ad is advertising.
I am happy with the overall radio advertisement as it does everything that I wanted it too.
  • It relates to the other two products I created.
  • It is simple but effective.
  • The background music I used is suitable for the target audience.
  • The background music is also suitable for the script I created.
  • The script is interesting and spoken with enthusiasm.
  • Appeals to younger people - target audience of my newspaper.

Monday 17 January 2011

Radio Advertisement Script

Music starts intro -

Music fades into background -


If you want

Sport, fashion, local news, music and celeb gossip,

You know what you have to do.

Liverpool today,

Liverpool's newest student newspaper.

Pick it up for free at your local college!

Liverpool today,

Pick it up now!

Music fades back in -

Music fades out.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Planning Radio Advertisements

I've decided I want to stick with the same information and the same style for each product I construct. For the poster campaign I included the newspaper logo to make it obvious for the readers what the poster is advertising, so for the radio advertisement I will include the newspaper name so that the three products are all linked together. I also used the same colours and same information on my poster campaign that I used on my newspaper, so for the radio advert I will use the same text i used on my poster campaign so that the three products relate with each other.

As I want my three products to link together and relate to each other, I came up with the idea of using the text on the poster campaign for my radio advert. As this is only a small amount of text I will have to expand the information and add more text to make my radio advert long enough and a reasonable time of under 30 seconds.

The text i have planned to use is:

If you want sport, fashion, local news, music and celeb gossip,
you know what you have to do.
Liverpool today,
Liverpool's newest student newspaper.
Pick it up for free at your local college!
Liverpool today,
Pick it up now!

Radio Advertisement Research

I wanted to do further research into radio advertisements by analysing different styled radio ads. This radio advert for Yell is very different to the Alton Towers radio advertisement as they have created this in a way that the audience and the listeners will remember the advert and get it stuck in their head. '118 24 7' is the number that they are advertising, because of this they need to get the audience to remember the number in order for them to ring it so they have used the technique of turning the advertisement into a song. I find this to be a very successful method as it will most definitely catch the attention of the listeners and get it stuck in their head. It is a simple and catchy tune so whenever they hear it the listeners will automatically know what advert it is being played. Although i find this method to be most successful when creating a radio advertisement, I don't think it will be suitable for a newspaper radio advertisement as the only thing the audience needs to remember in my radio advertisement is the name of the newspaper. I think the most suitable option for creating my own radio advertisement is to write a catchy script with a repetitive tag line to make the audience get familiar with the name of the newspaper.

Radio Advertisement Research

After I had completed my poster campaign I had to research into radio advertisements in order to create a successful radio advertisement of my own. Here is one of the radio advertisements I found on YouTube advertising Alton Towers Scarefest.
They have used a male voice over for the start of the advertisement talking about a ride in Alton Towers, that then fades out and a creepy tune starts in the background as another male voice over speaks in a spooky accent. I find this to be effective and suitable for an Alton Towers advertisement as it should be spooky and scare the audience due to the thrill that you get in Alton Towers on the rides. This method is effective as it relates to Alton Towers, I think this style of advertisement would be suitable for when i make my newspaper radio advertisement as it is persuasive and interesting and will attract the audiences attention.

Newspaper Poster Advertisement

I decided to go with the ransom note idea I had as I thought it would look more effective and catch the attention of the audience as it more appealing to read than simple normal writing.
I think the idea is very interesting and different but relates to newspapers as I used cut out letters from different newspapers to create the ransom note effect.
I decided to use coloured letters instead of sticking with black and white letters as I think it looks more modern and eye catching and would attract the target audience of my newspaper.
I included the logo and website address on my advertising poster to make it easier for the audience to recognise what the poster is advertising and i also included where the newspaper is distributed to inform the audience where they can pick it up if the poster interests them.
My poster is very simple as there are no images involved, I decided to just use text because i believe if the information and text is persuasive and gets straight to the point then there is no need to add anything else to it as it should inform the audience enough.