Monday 18 October 2010

Research and Planning

From my research and planning I have gathered a lot of useful information that will help me when constructing my newspaper. From all of this I have found what styles and techniques are most popular when constructing newspapers and I have also found what topics, stories and layouts etc the target audience found most interesting and relevant to them from constructing and giving out questionnaires to students and from also holding a focus group.
The questionnaires and focus group have been very useful and helpful to me as I now know what my target audience would specifically like to see in newspapers to persuade them to read it and also what they wouldn't like to see in newspapers. I have found that the topics I need to include in my newspapers are sport, fashion, celebrity gossip, local news, music and items that are relevant to students. Hopefully by including these topics in my newspaper, it will persuade students to read it as they are the topics that they said they would like to see in local newspapers. I should also avoid including politics, world news, and irrelevant information in my newspaper as this will be unsuccessful to my target audience.
I have also found from my questionnaires that the majority of the students would prefer the newspaper to be free, so in order for my newspaper to make money I need to include relevant advertisements in Liverpool to attract the students.
When I have successfully constructed my newspaper it will be distributed in Colleges and Universities as they are the most popular locations for distribution voted by students from my questionnaires.

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