Thursday 7 October 2010

Contstructing an email

I constructed an email today to send to local newspapers that I have been analysing to get more of an idea of what I need to do to create a successful front page and first page of a newspaper. I put together 4 questions of what I think is most important when creating a newspaper. Here is the information I aksed in the email:

My name is Toni Lynn and I am currently studying A Level Media Studies at Roby sixth form college. For my coursework my task is to create the first two pages of a newspaper, therefore I have been analysing current local newpapers including yours to help me plan and create my product. It would be extremely helpful if you could answer a few questions to help me in planning and constructing my newspaper.

Who is your target audience?
What do your target audience like to see in your newspaper?
How is the content of your newspaper divided between topics eg. sport, news, celebrity gossip etc?
How do you decide which stories are newsworthy for your first two pages?

Thankyou for you time
Toni Lynn

I sent this email to the editors of the Metro called Kenny Campbell and David Monk. Hopefully I will get a reply that will help me in constructing the first two pages of my own newspaper and their answers will help me create content that will attract my target audience successfully.

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