Monday 13 September 2010


I am going to create a schedule to organise my work and manage my time so that I can produce a successful final product. I have approximately four weeks for research and planning. In that time there is a list of things I need to do in order to create a good newspaper. The times and dates may not be exact but it is a rough guide to help me produce my coursework successfully.

Primary Research

Firstly I will have to research the target audience I want to base my newspaper on because that will help me to continue with my research and planning. After I have successfully chosen the target audience I will create a questionnaire to give out so that I know exactly what they are looking for and what they would prefer to see in my newspaper, e.g. what topics they would want to be in my newspaper, how much it would be, where it would be given out and how often it will be published. I will then make graphs showing my results from the questionnaire so that I can identify what is most successful and what most people prefer. If my questionnaire isn't as successful as I hoped and doesn't give me enough information to construct a good newspaper for the specific audience then I will set up a focus group because it will allow me to get required information to include in my newspaper.

Secondary and Market Research

I will analyse and evaluate successful local newspapers in my area and think of ideas I can do to make my newspaper different from the rest of them by challenging the codes and conventions. Hopefully by challenging some codes and conventions it will catch the attention of the audience as it is could be something interesting and different. I could also contact existing local newspapers to discuss marketing and other issues I may have and I am interested in. I will also research on the Internet and in texts books to expand my knowledge and opinions of what is successful in a local newspaper.


I will create a series of drafts of what the front page, and first page of my newspaper will look like so that I can decide what I think would be most successful and effective. I will also give each of the drafts out to the target audience so that I can create a final product that the audience will like to see.


For construction I will be creating the front page and first page of a local newspaper as well as a radio advert and a promotional poster ensuring they are as creative and original as possible. I will do this by using the audience feedback of my questionnaires to help me create the best product I can that is suitable for the target audience I have chosen.


Lastly I will evaluate my final product concentrating on the strengths and weaknesses. I will give my own thoughts and opinions on my products and I will also get audience feedback on my products so I can get as much information as possible on what's successful in my products and what isn't as successful and could be improved to be more effective.
For my evaluation I will answer a series of questions, the questions are:
  • In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • How effective is the combination of you main product and ancillary texts?
  • What have you learned from your audience feedback?
  • How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I will answer these questions in a presentation I will create on Microsoft PowerPoint and I will make the presentation as interactive and creative as possible.

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