Tuesday 14 September 2010


Here is a draft of the questionnaires I have put together so far. I need to make the questions more specific and maybe delete a few questions and edit them before I give them out to the target audience to receive the feedback I need to create my own newspaper.

Questionnaire (Do read newspapers)

1. Are you male or female?
2. How old are you?
3. What are your hobbies?
4. Do you read local newspapers? If so what do you read?
5. What do you read a newspaper for?
6. How much do you pay for the newspapers?
7. What makes you buy the newspaper?
8. Do you buy it yourself or does somebody else buy them?
9. What makes you buy this newspaper?
10. What are the most popular topics in the newspaper you read?
11. Where do you purchase your newspaper?
12. What type of things do you like to see in newspapers?
13. What type of things don’t you like to see in newspapers?
14. What source do you use to read the news?
15. Where would you like a new newspaper to be distributed?
16. If the new local newspaper had more topics in that are relative to you would it persuade you to buy it?
17. What would you prefer to see in a newspaper? Pictures, text, adverts, other?

Questionnaire 2 (Don’t read newspapers)

1. Are you male or female?
2. How old are you?
3. What are your hobbies?
4. Why don’t you read newspapers?
5. How do you get your source of news if you don’t read newspapers? Why do you prefer this than reading newspapers?
6. What would interest you to buy a newspaper?
7. Have you ever read a newspaper? If so what was it about the newspaper that doesn't interest you to buy it regularly?
8. What would make you buy a newspaper?
9. If you were to buy a newspaper how much would you pay for it?
10. If you were to buy a newspaper what type of things would you like to see in it?
11. If you were to buy a newspaper what type of things wouldn't you like to see in it?
12. Where would you like a new newspaper to be distributed?
13. If the new local newspaper had more topics in that are relative to you would it persuade you to buy it?
14. What would you prefer to see in a newspaper? Pictures, text, adverts, other?

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